
How to Play Blackjack: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you looking to learn a new game and take your skills to the next level? Online Blackjack is one of the most popular card games in the world and one of the few casino games where skill makes a difference. Whether you are looking to play in an online casino or just have some fun at home with friends, learning how to play blackjack can be a great way to have a good time.

So, we’ve put together this guide to help you learn how to play blackjack. We’ll cover the basics as well as some advanced strategies and tips that can make you a better player.

Learn the Basic Rules of the Game

The first step to becoming a successful blackjack player is to learn the basic rules of the game. The objective of blackjack is to beat the dealer’s hand without going over 21. Each player and the dealer are dealt two cards while playing online blackjack.

The players’ cards are both dealt face up, while only one of the dealer’s two cards is face up. The players can then choose to either hit (take another card) or stand (not take another card).

The dealer must hit until the dealer’s cards total 17 or more. If the dealer’s hand goes over 21, the player wins. If the dealer’s hand is 17 or more and the player’s hand is better, the player wins. If the dealer and the player have the same score, it is a tie, and the player’s bet is returned.

Understand the Card Values


Understanding the card values in blackjack is an essential part of learning how to play the game. Face cards (kings, queens and jacks) are worth 10 points, aces are worth either 1 or 11, and all other cards are worth their face value.

When counting your cards, add up the values to determine your hand’s total. If a hand totals more than 21, it’s called a “bust.” If a hand totals 21 or less, it’s a “stand.” Remember, the goal is to get as close to 21 as possible without going over, so manage your hand accordingly.

Familiarize Yourself With the Different Bets

In blackjack, there are several different types of bets you can make. The most common bet is a flat bet, which is an even-money bet on any hand. The other types of bets include doubling down, splitting pairs and taking insurance.

Doubling down allows you to double your bet after the initial two cards are dealt. Splitting pairs allows you to split two cards of the same value and play them in separate hands. Taking insurance is a side bet that pays out if the dealer has blackjack.

Identify the Dealer’s Hand

After you have bet, each player is dealt two cards, face up. The dealer is also dealt two cards, but one of them is kept face down. This is the dealer’s hole card. You can look at your cards, but it is important not to touch them as this is a signal to the dealer that you want to hit.

Once all the players have finished playing their hands, the dealer reveals their hole card and must hit until they have a total of 17 or more. At this point, the dealer will identify the dealer’s hand and compare it to each player’s hand. The player with the highest hand wins the game.

Practice Bankroll Management


Bankroll management is an essential part of any successful blackjack session. Before you even sit down at the table, you should set a budget for yourself. This should include any money you’d like to bet plus any winnings you’d like to take home.

It’s important to stick to your bankroll and not be tempted to bet beyond your means. If you find yourself consistently losing, this is a sign to take a break and cool off. It’s not worth it to keep going if you’re not playing with a clear head.

Utilize the Strategy Chart

A strategy chart is an essential tool for playing blackjack. It provides a basic guideline for what action to take in any given situation based on two factors: the dealer’s up card and your two-card hand.

For example, if the dealer’s up card is 6 and you have a 16, the strategy chart will recommend you stand. As you become more comfortable with the game, you can begin to use the strategy chart as a reference tool to help you make more informed decisions. By utilizing the strategy chart, you can ensure you are making the best possible decision on every hand.

Make Decisions With Confidence

Making decisions with confidence is key to playing blackjack well. Before making any move, it is important to consider the card values and odds of each hand. It is also essential to know when to stand, hit, split, double down, or surrender.

Make sure to think through each decision logically and weigh the risks and rewards before acting. Trusting your gut and making a snap decision can sometimes be beneficial, but making a well-informed decision is usually the more reliable strategy.

Play With Discipline and Enjoy the Game


Playing blackjack with discipline is an important part of achieving success. Discipline means understanding when to hit, stand, double down, split, and, if necessary, surrender. It also means not getting distracted by outside influences and sticking to your strategy.

Be sure to take the time to practice your strategy, and don’t be afraid to walk away if you have a losing streak. Remember that the game is meant to be enjoyable, so it’s important to take breaks and enjoy yourself. Set realistic goals, and be sure to celebrate when you reach them.

In conclusion, blackjack is an exciting and simple game that can be enjoyed by everyone. The basics are easy to learn, but it’s important to practice in order to master the techniques. By following the tips outlined, you can become a successful blackjack player. With a bit of luck, you may even make some money while having a great time.

About Luisa Dorsey