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How to Choose the Perfect Monitor For Your Health? – 2024 Guide

One might feel great after an intense workout, but exercising harder does not necessarily mean one will see good results. Expending too much energy might result in longer recovery time while spending too little of it might slow the progress towards better fitness. Due to this, during exercise, it is important to find the right heart-rate zone which will provide a safe, efficient workout that will bring the most benefits. This is where a monitor comes in as it can help you reach your target heart-rate and measure your workout intensity.

These devices can be worn on your wrist or around your chest, so make sure to select one that suits your workout routine. Consider how many features you need and where you want to wear it. If swimming is part of your exercise, make sure to check if the device is full-waterproof and not simply proof against splashes. So here are some things to consider when choosing the perfect device to suit your needs.

Monitor Types

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1. Chest Strap Monitors

Just like an EKG, it detects the electrical activity of your heart using a strap that fits comfortably around your chest. It then transmits the readings either to a wristwatch device or an app on your smartphone. According to Healthcare Weekly, these are the most accurate types and provide continuous heart-rate readings. They enable you to move freely, so they are great for any workout, from basketball, cycling, running, and more.

2. Touch-Type Wristwatch

You wear them in the same place as a traditional watch and they require pressing a button or touching the device on its rim to get a reading. You might also have to wait a few seconds before you get information and although they fit comfortably around your wrist, they might be a distraction during workouts like cycling or running.

3. Continuous-Reading Wristwatch

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They enable continuous heart-rate monitoring while eliminating the need for a chest strap. However, to get an accurate reading, they must be placed tightly above your wrist bone. They can read more easily the touch-type watches and are more comfortable than chest strap monitors, but tend to be more expensive than both. They are also highly fashionable which means they stay longer attached to your body than chest-strapped devices. Smart health watches today are not only limited to monitoring your health as brands like those featured in SpotTheWatch are continuing to explore avenues where they can be useful.

Additional Features

The most basic devices only measure your heart-rate and some display the elapsed workout time. However, many models offer numerous useful features which include heart-rate zone timers, calories burned, app linking, pre-programmed workouts, fitness tests, time in zone splits, and timers – countdown, stopwatch, interval, and more.


Wristband monitors are undoubtedly better when it comes to the ease of use and comfort. They are easily adjustable and are not to tight around your skin. Chest straps are extremely accurate but can slip off if they are not secured tightly enough, so it can be hard to readjust them during your exercise. In the end, it all comes down to deciding whether you prefer comfort or accuracy when buying a device.

The Price

Setting a price limit and determining your budget might be a good idea if you do not want to spend too much money, but keep in mind that the prices usually depend on the features you would like to have. Regardless, sales are common, so make sure to shop around since you are likely to find a wide variation in the price of the same model.

Why Use It?

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Besides providing more detailed and accurate information, they can help make achieving your goals easier, more efficient, and also a bit more fun. They ensure one stays in the right heart-rate zone and is objective about their fitness level. Zone training is important because it makes sure you are exercising at the right level suited for your fitness. Overtraining can lead to burnout or injuries while not training enough won’t bring any improvements.


Whether you are training for a sporting event or race, want to lose some weight, or simply want to stay healthy, monitors will offer objective information that can help you measure your progress. Choose the best one on for you and see for yourself just how useful they can be.

About Peter Janos