
Important Steps to Help Avoid Back Injuries at Work

A back injury is one of the most incapacitating ailments people suffer in the United States. Every day, employees put their backs at danger while working in a variety of ways, the majority of which are avoidable. Back injury prevention is vital, whether you work at a desk in an office or supervise a team of workers that carry and transport items in a warehouse on a daily basis.

Workplace injuries are common, but protecting yourself should be at the top of your priorities. This means, using techniques to help avoid any such injuries; and having a legal expert ready in case you suffer an injury and need to file a claim. For example, if you work in an office in New Jersey and have injured your back during work, a consultation with a work injury attorney, such as Brandon Broderick, will benefit you in evaluating what steps to take next. First, you should research the types of injuries you can sustain to your back and decide if it was caused by your duties at work.

The Causes of Back Injuries While Working


Workplace injuries involving the back may be caused by a variety of circumstances, but there are three primary types:

– Force. Force is the most frequent cause of back injuries at a job. Any time an employee puts a lot of weight or pressure on your back, it would be referred to as force. Lifting or carrying a heavy load will generally cause a force-type back injury.

– Repetition. There is a common misconception that injuries involving the back are always the result of lifting something too heavy. Lifting heavy loads is a typical cause of back injuries, but injuries stemming from repetition may be just as harmful. Repetitive back strain, such as lifting or carrying small items repeatedly, may result in persistent back soreness and further injury to your back.

– Inactivity. This is another because that happens often at work, but usually disregarded. This type of injury can be attributed to sitting for lengthy amounts of time. If you are sitting with bad posture, it may strain the muscles in your back and result in persistent back discomfort or pain.

Tips for Helping Prevent Back Injuries on the Job


We can better understand how to avoid back injuries while working now that we know why they happen. The following are six things you can do to minimize the risk of a back injury while at work:

Lift Objects Correctly

The stress that is exerted on your back while lifting large things might result in a back injury. To avoid injury to your back, it is recommended that you lift correctly every time. We have listed a few pointers to remember while lifting objects while at work.

– Evaluate the object you play to lift before attempting to pick it up. Make sure you are able to lift it alone or enlist the support of a co-worker. If needed, you may want to use machinery to lift.

– Before carrying a heavy item, examine the route you will take the item through and ensure that it does not have anything in the way that could cause you to slip or fall while moving the item.

– Face the item you are lifting directly.

– Make sure your weight is distributed to both feet by standing with your feet spaced at least shoulder-width.

– Bend down to lift using your legs rather than your back.

– The object you are lifting should be held as close to your body as you can.

– Lift straight up without turning by using your legs and also tightening the muscles in your core.

– When picking up and carrying an item, keep your back in its natural curvature. Do not walk or lift while twisting your body or leaning.

Ensure You Have Correct Posture


Generally, back injuries are linked to duties where your back is physically strained by activities like lifting and moving. However, those who sit at a computer their entire work day put a lot of strain on their back. To help safeguard your back from injury, sit with the correct posture throughout the day, make sure you sit in an ergonomic desk chair and have an adjustable workstation.

– Sit up straight at your workstation and avoid slouching.

– Make sure both of your feet are level on the ground as you sit.

– An ergonomic desk chair that provides support for your spine is best for jobs that require you to sit for long periods of time. You also want to configure it where both of your feet on the floor and your knees are square with your thighs in the same direction as the floor.

– Instead of having to look down or up, adjust your workstation so you’re looking straight ahead.

– Your computer screen should be set at a position where you do not need to lean or move your neck downward or upward for the duration of the day. In these tech days this is very important thing, and you should consider it extremely seriously.

– Get up, stretch and move around regularly. When an employee is inactive for extended periods of time, this is very bad for their back. In an office setting, employees are usually required to sit at a desk throughout the day. Getting up every hour to walk around and stretch can save you from long term issues with your back.

About Carolyn Lang